Saturday, June 05, 2010

RIP John Wooden. "Make each day a masterpiece. Help others."

Yesterday, arguably the greatest coach of all-time in ANY sport died.
John Wooden was 99 years old and coached basketball for 27 seasons at U.C.L.A. Here is a detailed article from the New York Times. He always carried a piece of paper with a message from his father that read:
“Be true to yourself. Make each day a masterpiece. Help others. Drink deeply from good books. Make friendship a fine art. Build a shelter against a rainy day.”

Enjoy the voice and wisdom of John Wooden below. The end of the interview has him mention three simple rules for his players, which I believe are important in our daily walk as well:
  • Be on time
  • Don't use profanity
  • Never criticize a teammate 
What do these rules have in common? Respect. That is something I would like to see more of in this world. David Goad sums it up well on his blog. A friend said something this week which tied in with the last point:
Accept people. Don't expect things from people.

Coach John Wooden's website is filled with encouragement.
Pay a visit when you get a chance.

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