Monday, September 27, 2010

Raise a Toast to Bloggers!

The first Bloggin’ Okanagan mini conference took place on Sunday and it was fun to attend! I had the chance to meet fellow bloggers and Facebook friends. Here is the recap from the Kelowna Art Gallery, which includes a list of blogs from this area.

When I arrived at the event I was first greeted by one of the panelists, Cherie Hanson. She is a retired high school teacher who now concentrates on artistic endeavours, from computer enhanced digital photography to writing. Among the various continuing education classes Cherie teaches at UBC Okanagan is one on weblogging, and she also keeps a blog on her life and travels as a multimedia artist at There you will be greeted with the header:
Never put a sock in a toaster.
I raise a toast to you Cherie! Keep up the fabulous work!


  1. ha ha. I wish I was able to attend. Next time, perhaps! Toast. Sheesh.

  2. Toast indeed Shawn!

    Dinner featured quiche on toast and my day started with peanut butter and honey on toast:)

    Boasting about my toasting...I should write a cookbook...


  3. hey thanks so much for the write up. Really kind of you. Nice blog.
